A Medical demography in the state of Tocantins from 2011 to 2023


  • Guilherme Oliveira Gonçalves ITPAC PORTO
  • Fernando Froz Martins FAPAC - ITPAC PORTO NACIONAL
  • Marcos Nilson Fernandes Brasil FAPAC - ITPAC PORTO NACIONAL
  • Cristiano da Silva Granadier da Silva Granadier FAPAC - ITPAC PORTO NACIONAL


Demografia. Generalistas. Médicos Especialistas.


Introduction: It is known that population surveys, such as medical demography, are essential to public policy processes aimed at public health. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe the characteristics, evolution and distribution of vacancies for physicians in the state of Tocantins, from 2011 to 2022. Methodology: This study used secondary data, with descriptive and analytical steps. In addition, this study adopts references from medical demography. The study took into account both the number of records and the number of individuals, and the data collected refer to the period from 2011 to 2022 in the state of Tocantins. The main bases used were: Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Tocantins (CRM/TO); Federal Council of Medicine (CFM); National Medical Residency Commission (CNMR), Medical Specialty Societies linked to the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB). Results: Over time, there has been an increase in the number of physicians registered with the CFM. The male sex, over the years, has stood out in the medical profession, but it appears that in the year 2022, the female sex had a considerable increase. The state of Tocantins currently has a greater presence of specialists (52%) when compared to general practitioners (48%). Final Considerations: The results demonstrate a favorable perspective for the establishment of doctors in the state of Tocantins, which cannot be generalized to the reality of the health system as a whole, since it has been shown to be unequal throughout the country.  



How to Cite

Oliveira Gonçalves, G., Froz Martins, F., Nilson Fernandes Brasil, M., & da Silva Granadier, C. da S. G. (2023). A Medical demography in the state of Tocantins from 2011 to 2023. Revista Científica Do Tocantins, 3(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://itpacporto.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/143


