Female aging and the in-between place in the contemporary


  • Fabrícia Gonçalves Amaral Pontes Itpac Porto Nacional https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5869-3534
  • Miguel José da Silva Brito ITPAC Porto Nacional
  • Sara Janai Corado Lopes ITPAC Porto Nacional
  • Márcia Ferreira Sales
  • Hugho Allex Neves Pontes ITPAC Porto Nacional
  • Sônia Regina Pereira da Cunha UFT-Campus de Porto Nacional


Corpo feminino, envelhecimento, literatura contemporânea, sociedade brasileira


This paper addresses the issue of female aging in contemporary Brazilian society based on the interpretation of the female author Millamor (2008) by the Brazilian writer Lívia Garcia-Roza. For that, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out with an explanatory and qualitative approach, with the main objective of giving visibility to the ways of representing the aged female body, problematizing three aspects: a) the degraded aged body; b) the silenced aged body; c) the aged body redeemed, based on the representation of female characters highlighted by the aforementioned author in the course of the narrative. In short, it is concluded that aging is a multifactorial issue, in addition to a double burden when it comes to women and age, that is, the age factor is also a gender issue, since aging is a different process between men and women.

Keywords: Female body; aging; contemporary literature; Brazilian society.



How to Cite

Gonçalves Amaral Pontes, F., José da Silva Brito, M., Janai Corado Lopes , S., Ferreira Sales , M., Allex Neves Pontes , H., & Regina Pereira da Cunha , S. (2023). Female aging and the in-between place in the contemporary. Revista Científica Do Tocantins, 3(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://itpacporto.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/155


