Keywords: Child Development. Parafunctional Habits. Malocclusion. Non-nutritive sucking. Onychophagy.Abstract
ABSTRACT- Introduction: Habits are acts that are repeated with a certain frequency and over time become unconscious and difficult to change. Within the scope of the stomatognathic system, physiological and non-physiological oral habits may be present. Parafunctional habits are those that cause negative changes such as malocclusions and changes in the normal pattern of oral functions. Methodology: For data collection, PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS and Google Scholar databases were used. Initially, 360 articles were found. Of these, only 41 addressed aspects related to parafunctional habits in children. After reading and registering the articles published only in the last 10 years, 21 composed the study, as they are in accordance with the theme and methodological and theoretical relevance. Results and Discussion: This work addressed the habits of non-nutritive sucking and onychophagia in children and their consequences, showing that numerous changes can occur if the deleterious habit persists, in addition to confirming that there is no exact age for the withdrawal of the habit. In order to achieve the removal of the habit and succeed in the treatment of installed malocclusions, a multidisciplinary approach among professionals is essential, as well as the collaboration of children and the help of parents or guardians. Final considerations: Based on this bibliographic review, whose proposal was to understand how non-nutritive sucking habits and onychophagia are harmful to children, the need to implement multidisciplinary treatments and forms of prevention was highlighted to reduce the effects caused by the presence of these parafunctional habits.